Abstak :
Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk merancang sebuah jaringan
komputer dengan teknologi nirkabel berbasis WIFI, terutama untuk
mengatasi masalah yang terjadi dikarenakan perancangan jaringan komputer
yang masih berbasis pada teknologi kabel yang pada saat ini masih
banyak dipakai serta tidak efisiennya penggunaan bandwith untuk
tranfers file. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini
meliputi dua bagian pokok yaitu metode analisis dan metode perancangan.
Metode analisis digunakan untuk membuat topologi jaringan nirkabel serta
pembuatan aplikasi baru untuk tranfer file. Hasil yang dicapai adalah
rancangan sebuah jaringan yang mempunyai mobilitas tinggi dan
penghematan bandwith yang sering digunakan untuk tranfer file yang telah
diatasi oleh aplikasi tranfer file.
Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah dengan melakukan pengubahan sistem
jaringan dari jaringan ethernet menjadi jaringan nirkabel ,
meningkatkanjumlah client yang dapat mengakses kedalam jaringan, serta
meningkatkan mobilitas karyawan pengguna notebook yang harus berpindah
antara ruang engine dan ruang kantor. Selain itu juga dengan penambahan
sebuah aplikasi tranfer file baru mengurangi trafik penggunaan bandwith
Kata Kunci : Wireless, LAN, Access Point, Topologi, WIFI, Tranfer file
The objective of this thesis is to design a computer network with a WiFi-based wireless technology, particularly to address the problems that occur due to the design of computer networks are still based on cable technology that is still widely used and inefficient use of bandwidth for file tranfers. The method used in the writing of this thesis includes two main parts namely the method of analysis and design methods. Analytical methods used to create a wireless network topology as well as making new applications for file transfer. The result achieved is the design of a network that has high mobility and bandwidth savings are often used to transfer files that have been addressed by the file transfer application. The conclusion is to do a conversion system from the network ethernet network to a wireless network, meningkatkanjumlah client that can access into the network, as well as enhance employee mobility of notebook users who must switch between engine room and office space. In addition, by adding a new file transfer applications to reduce bandwidth usage internet traffic.
The objective of this thesis is to design a computer network with a WiFi-based wireless technology, particularly to address the problems that occur due to the design of computer networks are still based on cable technology that is still widely used and inefficient use of bandwidth for file tranfers. The method used in the writing of this thesis includes two main parts namely the method of analysis and design methods. Analytical methods used to create a wireless network topology as well as making new applications for file transfer. The result achieved is the design of a network that has high mobility and bandwidth savings are often used to transfer files that have been addressed by the file transfer application. The conclusion is to do a conversion system from the network ethernet network to a wireless network, meningkatkanjumlah client that can access into the network, as well as enhance employee mobility of notebook users who must switch between engine room and office space. In addition, by adding a new file transfer applications to reduce bandwidth usage internet traffic.
Keywords: Wireless, LAN, Access Point, Topology, WIFI, Tranfer files
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